
Project Overview

SKILLS+ aims at advancing public policies promoting information and communication technologies (ICT) skills among SMEs in rural areas helping them seize fully the opportunities offered by a digital single market and benefits of a digital economy.

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Norwegian national funding through the INTERREG EUROPE programme. The project together twelve partners from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Poland and Spain.

The SKILLS+ overall objective is to enhance the competitiveness of rural areas’ SMEs through the promotion of the uptake and integration of modern ICT tools in daily business routines.

The project has started on April 2016 and its first phase ended on March 2019. The second phase of the project, which starts on April 2019 immediately after the first phase, and lasted until the end of March 2021.

In all SKILLS+ partner countries/regions, which are EU member states, the ICT is a priority of the Operational Programmes 2014-2020, which tackle the ICT development for promoting the ICT uptake, information society and ICT infrastructure development under its 2nd Thematic Objective with the support of EU Cohesion funds (ERDF).

Communication and dissemination of project-based results to the stakeholders and to the wider public are essential and crucial components for the success of the project as well as for the sustainability of the project results in the long term. The current document is aimed at outlining a comprehensive and detailed Dissemination Plan of SKILLS+ project to ensure the highest possible outreach of the project and its results.