The ETSE-Goals project is a Cooperation Partnership framed under the specific priority “Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training”. The general objective of the ETSE-Goals project is to promote an innovative approach for the full incorporation of the SDGs into the entrepreneurial teachings in Social Economy which are offered at VET level, with the final purpose of strengthening the social entrepreneurial ecosystem and its transforming power at European level.
The specific objectives of ETSE – Goals are:
- To define a clearer picture of how SDGs are being integrated in VET level training in different fields but primary in Social Economy subjects.
- To promote the integration of SDGs at VET level in Social Economy subjects through awareness, train of trainers, networking and dissemination of initiatives.
- To develop policy recommendations for the effective integration of SDGs and sustainable development aspects at VET level at different levels.
- The main activities to achieve the proposed objectives and the result obtained while doing it will be:
- Development of a research initiative through which we will identify successful initiatives, projects or strategies coming from different countries on the successful incorporation of the SDGs
- Creation and implementation of an innovative educational package on how to incorporate in the practice the SDGs into their entrepreneurial teachings in Social Economy.
- Design and launching of an online collaborative platform in order to foster the networking among VET teachers, students and stakeholders in entrepreneurial teachings in Social Economy.
- Development of policy recommendations aimed to the effective promotion of the full incorporation of the SDGs into the entrepreneurial teachings in Social Economy into the VET educational sector.
Through the innovation in the complementary training o VET trainers, the consortium assures a long-lasting effect in upcoming promotions at VET level which will be concious that SDGs have to be included in the development plan at all levels. ETSE – Goals provide access to state-of-the-art infrastructure, digitalization strategies in line with national context and environmental and social sustainability in VET programmes and organizational management, thus contributing to the
implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals as it is stated in the Erasmus + priorities together with the reshaping of skills to meet the needs of the jobs market and the innovation in the teachinf of VET training teachers with innovative educational packages.