2nd Newsletter

The implementation of the Cult2routes program led to the 1st consultation meeting on the development of the Tourism Development Strategic Plan of the municipality of Nestorio with respect for the natural environment and the region’s physiology.
The main Axe of the Strategic Plan placed on the Adventure Tourism, which has been proposed to the municipality as the focal point of its strategy following by the Action Plan with specific actions for its implementation. Adventure tourism involves soft and intense activities, it is an ever-growing global market with a common aspect the thirst for action, tension and adventure in points with unique natural beauty.
The Cult2routes program aims to promote regional and cultural tourism by mapping, marking and digitizing the hiking and cultural routes of Nestorio municipality in Greece and Tepelene municipality from Albania. The project highlights the monuments of each region and make extensive use of digital media to view and organize the region’s cultural and physical inventory. | Apart from the adventure activities, the creation of a science and discovery park is proposed, addressing mainly young students and youth. At the park the physical phenomena will be explained through interactive structure and games compining learning and playing. It is also proposed to create a planetarium for educational purposes where young students and visitors will have the opportunity to explore our solar system through digital applications and to discover the universe through telescopic observation. The meeting brought together tourism actors (mountain guides, tourism entrepreneurs, representatives of tourist associations and stakeholders) who submitted their proposals to be included in the Strategic Plan Action Plan. |