Strategic Planning
JOIN4CS strives to assist local governments to design, plan and implement their strategic plans and programmes.
Network Creation
Helps local and regional stakeholders to develop networks of solidarity and cooperation.
Pilot Projects
Undertakes the implementation of pilot projects as part of an Action Plan to bring together people that will compose the “action team” and to find the necessary project resources.
Capacity Building
Plans, organizes and executes training and coaching activities to build-up capacities on specified target groups. Aids individuals to realize the best option to perform their business plans and achieve their goals.
Citizens Engagement
We carry out online debates, citizen surveys and implement citizen engagement practices to propose solutions to challenges that citizens face in their everyday lives.
Communication Strategy
Designs and executes communication strategies fit for the purposes intended by an organisation, authority or company, and provides the means and support to achieve communication goals targeted to a specific audience.

We Join forces…
JOIN4CS is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, founded in 2017, aiming to support the development of entrepreneurship by facilitating collaborations and synergies among stakeholders from the public sector, the industry, the research institutions and academic community and the civil society at a national and international level.
We identify your talents and specific needs, and we network you with the innovation ecosystem players locally, nationally and internationally. We offer bespoke training programs to advance your entrepreneurial prospects.
We link relevant EU and national policies and strategies, creating tools and methods on hoe these policies could best meet local and regional communities.
we link research agendas with industry goals and facilitate synergies and corporations to meet commonly identified goals.
We offer practical tools for obtaining deeper understanding of the users that interact with various technologies and determine how their behavior, satisfaction and well-being transforms industry products, policies, practices, research and entrepreneurial endeavors.
We understand your requiremenyts and provide quality works…
Join4Cs substantially helps new entrepreneurs to find their way to the business endeavor and to overcome the problems that arise initially, which could be crucial for the business sucess. As a Chamber of Commerce in a remote area, we need the support of such organizations in mentoring, consulting and coaching new companies to grow their busineses. Lastly, they engage young entrepreneurs to business growth and implement seminars in defferent European countries. Our partners are excited from the experience and the knowledge they gained, wishing for more activities in the future.
Savvas Sapalidis
Head of the Chamber of Commerce of Florina, GR
Our Team
Our partners and external contributors have decades of experience in helping various stakeholders and organisations to create fruitful collaborations and impactful projects. We bring a wealth of sector-based knowledge in areas such as Energy, Mobility, Food, Bioeconomy and Circular Economy.

Dimitris Kouras
Strategic Managment

Paraskevi Gkiourka
Business Mentoring

Nikolaos Ntavos
Energy expert

Thodoris Gkiourkas
Ongoing Projects
Take a look at our ongoing projects
Improving the quality of life of citizens in the city centre, through radical change in the natural environment and the promotion of a new concept based on collectivity and a sense of belonging.
More infoBusiness Councils
Achieving a sustainable business environment in the Greece-Bulgaria border region
More infoAuthentikk
Preserving and celebrating authentic heritage offered by the two regions through smart and innovative tourism solutions meant to bring the two regions (Korce and Kastoria) closer together.
More infoCult2Routes
The recording of the hiking routes and the collection of the photo and video material were done in the framework of the Cult2Routes action of the European Interreg program, with the cooperation and supervision of the Municipality of Nestorio.
Latest News
Here you can find the later announcements, post and news for our initiatives! Stay tuned!!

Την Τετάρτη 4 Δεκεμβρίου, ώρα 18:00, στον χώρο του Co-working space της Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, οδός Κασομούλη 13 στην Κοζάνη, θα διεξαχθεί υβριδική εκδήλωση με τίτλο “ΒΙΩΣΙΜΟΣ ΤΟΥΡΙΣΜΟΣ ΣΤΗ ΔΥΤΙΚΗ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ:[…]
Read moreΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ υπ’ αριθμό ΣΜΕ 01/2023 για τη σύναψη ΣΥΜΒΑΣΗΣ ΜΙΣΘΩΣΗΣ ΕΡΓΟΥ
ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ υπ’ αριθμό ΣΜΕ 01/2023για τη σύναψη ΣΥΜΒΑΣΗΣ ΜΙΣΘΩΣΗΣ ΕΡΓΟΥ Το Ίδρυμα για την Υποστήριξη της Επιχειρηματικότητας Join4CsΈχοντας υπόψη: Τη σύναψη σύμβασης μίσθωσης έργου με ένα (1) άτομο, για την[…]
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